Credo, essa mistura aí é profana.
Pq vc não tenta algo mais convencional, como uma Radler?
Aliás, tou olhando na Wikipedia e parece que essas misturas diferentes até são comuns na Alemanha (que horror, bem lá!):
* Hefeweizen mixed with cola is called a Colaweizen.
* Weißbier mixed with cola is called a Flieger (Aviator), Neger (Negro), or Turbo.
* Pilsner or Altbier and cola is a Krefelder.
* A Brummbär (Grouch) is stout or porter mixed with cola.
* An Altbier Cola is made with Altbier, cola, and a shot of Kirsch.
* A Greifswalder, a shandy which is very popular in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, is made with Köstritzer (a type of dark lager) mixed with cola.