- Postagens: 43
- Obrigados Recebidos: 0
Hey Milu, nice to see....errr.....hear from you again! How ironic.... I think a visit to Campinas other than those two days will be a longshot. But if you're willing to come to São Paulo for my second stint of the trip, you are more than welcome. The collegue Sergio Curti plans to help me with the second stint, which will include a degustação on the 25th.
<strong>Jonathan George escreveu:</strong>
Hey Milu, nice to see....errr.....hear from you again! How ironic.... I think a visit to Campinas other than those two days will be a longshot. But if you're willing to come to São Paulo for my second stint of the trip, you are more than welcome. The collegue Sergio Curti plans to help me with the second stint, which will include a degustação on the 25th.
That's a shame that we won't be able to meet in Campinas, Jon; longshots are out of question, for I myself am not a big fan of them, I like sure things!
But let me tell ya, perhaps (for I can't promise or anything) I'll be able to make it to São Paulo on the 25th and kill 2 birds with one stone: finally meet you and see again a great friend of mine, Marcussi! Wouldn't that be great, hein?
<strong>Milu Lessa escreveu:</strong>
<strong>Jonathan George escreveu:</strong>
Hey Milu, nice to see....errr.....hear from you again! How ironic.... I think a visit to Campinas other than those two days will be a longshot. But if you're willing to come to São Paulo for my second stint of the trip, you are more than welcome. The collegue Sergio Curti plans to help me with the second stint, which will include a degustação on the 25th.
That's a shame that we won't be able to meet in Campinas, Jon; longshots are out of question, for I myself am not a big fan of them, I like sure things!
But let me tell ya, perhaps (for I can't promise or anything) I'll be able to make it to São Paulo on the 25th and kill 2 birds with one stone: finally meet you and see again a great friend of mine, Marcussi! Wouldn't that be great, hein?
Let's add a third dimension to the offer. There must be some American beers that you are interested to taste. I can get for you a few of them (not that there will be a shortage of good beers to taste for the degustação, and Marcussi can attest that I can put together a show).
Tell me about it...Marcussi can attest that I can put together a show.
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