Corsendonk Abey Brown Ale
APPEARANCE: Pours a big fluffy thinner-looking three finger tan head with decent retention. Dark seal brown in color with medium carbonation in the form of very tiny bubbles. Head slowly fades to a good foam cap but leaves no real lacing. Some film remains until the end but no lacing down the glass to speak of. The color was nice but that was all.
SMELL: Bold aromas of caramel malt and some dried sugary dark fruits, mostly plumbs and dates perhaps. Some spicy aromas from the yeast and a unique scent that reminds me of ginger and brown sugar. Pretty nice really.
TASTE: Nose doesn't translate well into the taste here. Not as bold as the nose either. A bit of sweet caramel malt up front, then moves into a more sweet dried fruit and a touch of brown sugar. Picked up a bit of wheat through the middle, leading into a mildly bitter-sweet finish with what might be a bit of tobacco and leather. Aftertaste is mild and relatively short lived. Taste could be denser, though is not off-putting.
PALATE: Medium-thin body with lots of carbonation. A little airy on the palate and prickly as well. Goes down fine but finishes slightly astringent on the palate. Not terrible, but not all that enjoyable.