Xyauyu 2015
Eduardo Guimarães Insta @cervascomedu
17 de Fevereiro de 2020
Álcool (%)
Percentual de alcool da cerveja no padrao ABV. Use apenas numeros com as casas decimais e para separar os decimais, use o ponto e nao a virgula
IBU (International Bitterness Unit) é a unidade de amargor da cerveja. Quanto mais alto o número, mais amarga é a cerveja.
This is how we make... SPECIALTY WOOD AGED BEER
A flat, clear beer with no head. Technically, a barley wine with an intense ruby color. It releases wonderful scents of nougat, caramel, dates and dry plums.
In the mouth, the warm and dense sensations of caramel are amplified and accompanied by hints of nougat and dates, while the finish is reminiscent of cotton candy or fudge.
Chocolate - from dark chocolate bars to chocolate lava cakes, or soft chocolate puddings, nougat, dry pastries.
Everything started in 2004 from one of Teos’ visions: turning one of the typical flaws of beers - oxidation - into a strength. Long years of experimentations and tests culminating in the creation of a unique barley wine: Xyauyù. A peculiar name, that is difficult to forget, and comes from the innocent imagination of Wayan - Teo’s second child, who was three at the time - and the name of her imaginary daughter: Xyauyù.
Since its creation, Xyauyù has won everyone over. Its success has been acknowledged by several awards and victories. So it’s no surprise that master Teo has decided to grow the family of these barley wines with new, unprecedented versions. Xyauyù soon became tree: Oro, Argento and Rame. Only the Oro version has survived, along with several special editions: Barrel, aged in rum barrels; Fumè, aged in scottish whisky barrels; Kentucky, with the infusion of strong Italian cigar and Kioke, aged in traditional Japanese barrels used to ferment soy sauce.
A flat, clear beer with no head. Technically, a barley wine with an intense ruby color. It releases wonderful scents of nougat, caramel, dates and dry plums.
In the mouth, the warm and dense sensations of caramel are amplified and accompanied by hints of nougat and dates, while the finish is reminiscent of cotton candy or fudge.
Chocolate - from dark chocolate bars to chocolate lava cakes, or soft chocolate puddings, nougat, dry pastries.
Everything started in 2004 from one of Teos’ visions: turning one of the typical flaws of beers - oxidation - into a strength. Long years of experimentations and tests culminating in the creation of a unique barley wine: Xyauyù. A peculiar name, that is difficult to forget, and comes from the innocent imagination of Wayan - Teo’s second child, who was three at the time - and the name of her imaginary daughter: Xyauyù.
Since its creation, Xyauyù has won everyone over. Its success has been acknowledged by several awards and victories. So it’s no surprise that master Teo has decided to grow the family of these barley wines with new, unprecedented versions. Xyauyù soon became tree: Oro, Argento and Rame. Only the Oro version has survived, along with several special editions: Barrel, aged in rum barrels; Fumè, aged in scottish whisky barrels; Kentucky, with the infusion of strong Italian cigar and Kioke, aged in traditional Japanese barrels used to ferment soy sauce.
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Avaliação Geral
Apresentou coloração acobreada com reflexos âmbar sem formação de espuma. No aroma temos vinho Madeira, tâmaras secas, ameixa em calda, cereja, açúcar mascavo e figos em calda. Na boca as notas permanecem, complementadas por baunilha e castanhas caramelizadas. Tem bom corpo, carbonatação inexistente e textura licorosa. Praticamente um licor ou um vinho licoroso de sobremesa. Os 14% de álcool estão perfeitamente inseridos. Absurda. Uma das melhores receitas que eu já tomei na vida.