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- Lost Abbey Judgment Day
Lost Abbey Judgment Day
A massive beer in every sense of the word. A stronger and more contemplative version of our Lost and Found Ale. Judgment Day is the base beer for our Cuvee de Tomme. Many of the Trappist Breweries produce a version of beer which ages incredibly well for many years to come. And, since none of us knows when the end of the world is coming, we suggest you stock up with lots of Lost Abbey beers so that when the end of the world magically appears from no where, you’ll have a beer or two on hand for even the stingiest of angels. Available in 750ml bottles and on draft at select inspired locations. OG 1.092 TG 1.014 10.5% ABV The story has been told and we and have been warned about this very moment- Judgment Day and the end of the world as we cease to know it. There will be but one instance where the sunny blue pastoral skies turn sickly black revealing the imminent demise of every soul caught between heaven and hell. From the skies the angels of heaven will race to rescue the virtuous souls before the thundering herd of the 4 Horsmen arrive from the depths of hell to claim more than their fair share. Each of us will ride a wave of terror or relief not knowing from which lot our souls have been cast. It is wholly possible that the Sinners and Saints alike will unite. For sure, each will thrash about in the tumultuous sea of uncertainty not knowing in this abyss whether they bear the mark of the Father or the mark of the Beast himself. There will be a litany of screams from the departing souls riding bareback on the shoulders of the Black Horse. Each of us will be examined and our lives will be scrutinized. It is decreed and so written. Life as we know it will one day cease to exist. Surely you will stand there having all your questions answered. Did you believe there would be a Judgment Day? Have you ever thought about what you’ll be doing when the Four Horsemen arrive? Perhaps you’ll be drinking this Belgian Dark Quad styled Ale when they appear? However, since we have no idea when our time will expire or when we’ll be forced to cash in our tickets, we offer this simple advice. Live an inspired life. Find opportunities in everything to make a difference. Seek out new and spontaneous adventures and when you find them, embrace them as if they were the devil’s song. For an interesting life is one worth living. Challenge yourself to embrace passion, persistence and a motivated way of life. So that when Judgment Day arrives from nowhere, you’ll go out knowing full well that you’ve lived your life on your terms and they can’t take that away from you.
The Judgment Day story
Avaliações dos usuários
Usa seis tipos de malte (2-row pale de base, trigo, English Crystal medio e escuro, Special B e Chocolate) lúpulos Challenger e EK Golding, e dextrose e uvas-passa como adjuntos. Tudo fermentado por uma cepa de levedura Ale belga de alta performance (a house yeast da Lost Abbey). Essa cerveja também serve como base para a famosa Cuvee de Tomme, uma sour ale envelhecida com cerejas em barris de bourbon.
Evolui bem na garrafa e pode (e deve) ser guardada por muitos anos. Daí vem o nome Judgment Day ou o "dia do julgamento final": Como nunca saberemos quando os 4 cavaleiros do apocalipse virão e o mundo como conhecemos vai acabar (juntamente com suas cervejas), vale a pena estocar grandes quantidades dessa Quadrupel que não vai estragar por um bom tempo. Pelo menos haverá cerveja para beber.
Na taça, verteu liquido de coloração marrom-avermelhada com tons de rubi e aspecto translúcido. Formou abundante espuma marrom-clara que não persistiu por muito tempo. A Retenção também ficou um pouco abaixo da media.
Aroma de malte escuro, candy sugar, caramelo e frutas escuras: Ameixa, uva vermelha, uva-passa, figo e tâmaras. Percebi também um pouco de álcool volátil em segundo plano.
Na boca, começou com notas acentuadas de malte escuro, caramelo e melaço; seguida de frutas escuras dominadas pela uva-passa, mas também com figo e ameixa. Finalizou com leve amargor se contra balanceando com a enxurrada de malte.
O mouthfeel era bem grudento e mastigável com corpo altíssimo e pesado e carbonatação baixa. A adstringência dos taninos das uvas-passa apareceu um pouco no aftertaste, junto com uma agradável sensação de calor na garganta.
Bela cerveja da Lost Abbey, muito bem feita e com ótimo drinkability para o tanto de álcool. Ainda fica abaixo de suas similares belgas (Westy, Struisse, Rochefort e St Bernardus) mas dentro das americanas é um dos melhores exemplares.