Oud Bruin Oak Leaf
Eduardo Guimarães Insta @cervascomedu
06 de Fevereiro de 2024
Álcool (%)
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Oud Bruin Oak Leaf - 6% vol.
Added oak leafs, hand picked in the summer
Scent: Greenery, woods, organic
Flavour: Strong presence of sourness and wine-like character of the basic beer. Complexe blend of woody and green aroma's. Very dry mouth feel rounds up the whole sensation.
Trata-se de uma variação da seguinte receita:
Oud Bruin - 6% vol.
This traditional beer from the South-West of Flanders awakens your taste buds with a massive wallop. Once your senses get over that initial shock, the experience a complexe mix of winey aromas, red fruits, wood and green apple. Sourness dominates in taste. This red brown beer is a blend of old and young beer, aged in different oak barrels. Each barrel gives a different taste, but through the proces of blending, a similar style is obtained. Once botteled, the beer ripens for six months to further develop its finesse and delicate aromas.
Scent: red fruit and wood
Flavour: At the first sip, the sourness dominates. Once you are used to the acidity, the aromas of wood, green apple, bread and red fruits approach more clearly. The sourness lingers just long enough and then it makes place for a dry sensation in the mouth.
Added oak leafs, hand picked in the summer
Scent: Greenery, woods, organic
Flavour: Strong presence of sourness and wine-like character of the basic beer. Complexe blend of woody and green aroma's. Very dry mouth feel rounds up the whole sensation.
Trata-se de uma variação da seguinte receita:
Oud Bruin - 6% vol.
This traditional beer from the South-West of Flanders awakens your taste buds with a massive wallop. Once your senses get over that initial shock, the experience a complexe mix of winey aromas, red fruits, wood and green apple. Sourness dominates in taste. This red brown beer is a blend of old and young beer, aged in different oak barrels. Each barrel gives a different taste, but through the proces of blending, a similar style is obtained. Once botteled, the beer ripens for six months to further develop its finesse and delicate aromas.
Scent: red fruit and wood
Flavour: At the first sip, the sourness dominates. Once you are used to the acidity, the aromas of wood, green apple, bread and red fruits approach more clearly. The sourness lingers just long enough and then it makes place for a dry sensation in the mouth.
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Avaliação Geral
Apresentou coloração marrom avermelhada e espuma bege de média formação e longa persistência. No aroma temos geleia frutas vermelhas, framboesa, madeira, caramelo, viníco, vinagre balsâmico, mascavo e maçã. Na boca as notas permanecem, complementadas por assertiva acidez que reforça as notas de balsâmico. Final seco. Tem corpo médio, carbonatação moderada e textura um pouco frisante. Bacana!