Arsenalnoye Strong
Arsenalnoye brand has been produced at Baltika Breweries’ plants since 2000. The Arsenalnoye beer was initially produced only at Baltika-Tula brewery and distributed mostly within the Central region. However, due to the skill of Tula brewers the regional brand soon started winning recognition of beer lovers throughout the country. By the end of 2002 the Arsenalnoye was already the third brand on the Russian brewing market by its sales volume and since the end of 2003 it has been the second. Arsenalnoye, beer with a male character, is brewed for real men who value honour, strength, patriotism, family, Motherland. The spring of 2008 witnessed appearance of a new variety in the line of the brand — Extra Strong. This is light beer combining the barley malt aroma with a harmonious tinge of fragrant hop and a rich dense taste. Since June 2008 the entire line of Arsenalnoye beer has been produced in bottles with a new label. The renewed Arsenalnoye has gained a still more masculine image. The indestructible steel shield, laconic lines, minimum details, strict font design stress and strengthen the traditional positioning of the brand as the beer for real men. The strong shield is not only a symbol of masculinity and strength. It also symbolizes the special attitude of the brewers to the beer quality: the quality of the Arsenalnoye beer is under reliable protection. This is also evidenced by the confirming lettering on the label: "Protected quality". The collection of the Arsenalnoye brand has over twenty five awards of various Russian and international contests. In spring 2008 the Arsenalnoye Strong received a silver award of the annual Superior Taste Award contest in Brussels (Belgium) that is one of the most reputable contests of products quality in the world. The jury includes representatives of prestigious European culinary institutes and the International Sommelier Association (ASI) that conducts a "blind testing" of the samples of the products submitted for the contest, which fully guarantees the unbiased voting result. The honorary award of the Strong variety is another confirmation of the highest quality of the beverage and its compliance with the international requirements. Secret of the Arsenalnoye beer is the high quality raw materials, state-of-the-art equipment and highly professional specialists.
Avaliações dos usuários
Aroma de biscoito, álcool, leve frutado (maça, pera).
Sabor seguindo o aroma com o sabor do álcool atrapalhando bastante.
Corpo médio-baixo, carbonatação muito baixa.
Cerveja enjoativa, com poucos goles a potencia do álcool e a falta de base de maltes para sustentar já a deixa cansativa. A falta de carbonatação atrapalha o aroma que parecia um pouco mais interessante que o restante, além de deixar a cerveja parecendo um chá com poucos minutos de degustação.
aroma levando o malte com um pouco de cookie com alcool pronunciado.
o sabor leva as mesmas características, acredito que o alcool poderia ser mais brando e nao ter tanto destaque.
O retrogosto é o que normalment eé esperado de uma Laguer como essa.
Achei agradavel e saborosa, mas o alcool se mostrou muito pronunciado.
Cerveja bem refrescante e gostosa, apesar de tudo. Mesmo sendo forte e tendo estes problemas, possui um bom drinkability.
Custo-benefício meio ruim, mas vale a pena pela experiência.
Com a diferença que essa é uma Lager.
Coloração amarela, brilhante e cristalina, com creme bem baixo e fugaz.
Aromas maltados e alcoólicos.
No sabor malte (pão doce) e novamente álcool (mal inserido e artificial). Final amargo e seco, contribuindo para o equilíbrio da cerveja.
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