Marston´s Burton Bitter

Mauricio Beltramelli
Updated 10 de Junho de 2013
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Marston´s Burton Bitter


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Copo ideal

Marston’s Burton Bitter is one of our oldest beers, amongst the first created by John Marston when he established his brewery in 1834. It is crafted using only the finest barley, hops, yeast and famous Burton spring water to deliver an exceptiionally clean tasting beer combining malty biscuit flavours with a delicate hop character and finish.

It is almost 1,000 years since the beer making virtues of Burton's spring water were discovered by the monks of Burton abbey. The spring water does not come from a the river trent, it is rain water that has fallen on the surrounding hills, and percolated down through gypsum beds, forming an underground stream on the valley flour. It is these trace elements of gypsum (calcium sulphate) which help to make a clearer, brighter bitter.

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