Steadfast Golden Blonde Ale

Updated 13 de Abril de 2014
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Steadfast Golden Blonde Ale


Álcool (%)
Percentual de alcool da cerveja no padrao ABV. Use apenas numeros com as casas decimais e para separar os decimais, use o ponto e nao a virgula
Copo ideal
•See: A hazy straw-golden color with rocky Belgian foam that clings playfully to the glass. •Smell: Citric, estery aromas of fermentation and spice; coriander is followed by sweet orange peel and honey. •Taste: A round-bodied, sweet beginning followed by mild hop bitterness and bright orange and lemon flavors. Cleanly, a dry finish takes the stage, leaving Belgian yeast notes and pleasant citrus as you plan your next quaff.

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