- Cervejas
- Estados Unidos
- Samuel Adams Blackberry Witbier
Samuel Adams Blackberry Witbier
The blackberries we use in Samuel Adams® Blackberry Witbier are perfect for this brew. They deliver a subtle sweetness that balances the traditional citrus flavors from the witbier. The blackberries used in Samuel Adams Blackberry Witbier are sourced from family farms, located at the foot of the Oregon Trail and Cascade Mountains in Western Oregon, where they have been growing some of the best blackberries in the world for centuries. By bringing the blackberries, orange and coriander together with an appealing malt character and a spiciness from the hops, we’ve brewed a flavorful beer with a smooth finish that’s both sweet and tart. Samuel Adams® Blackberry Witbier is brewed with two-row Harrington and Metcalfe malted barley and generous portions of malted wheat. The malted barley and malted wheat provide the beer with its light body while the coriander and orange give the beer its citrus like aromas. We’ve also added some Oregon Marion blackberries, to give the brew a perfect balance between its subtly sweet and tart flavors.
Avaliações dos usuários
aroma blueberry levemente maltado, com sugestão de notas doces
sabor maior presença de trigo, sendo ainda notável frutas pretas (blackberry(, levando a sugestão de notas doces na cerveja, com predominância da fruta no retrogosto, que se apresenta doce e razoavelmente longo, fazendo com que a cerveja, com o aumento da temperatura, até mesmo se assemelhe a um suco. Carbonatação razoável. Bem diferente de qualquer outra witbier degustada