Mendocino Imperial Barley Wine

Diego Maciel
15 de Agosto de 2015
0.0 (0)
579 0 1
Mendocino Imperial Barley Wine


Álcool (%)
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Copo ideal
This Imperial Barley Wine Style Ale has a rich amber color with a full, robust body. This Barley Wine Style Ale has a traditional warming malt flavor with a delightful hop finish, While exceptionally drinkable now, it will continue to improve with age - taking on subtle flavors of dark fruit, sherry and anise. Hop flavors and aromas will become more rounded and luscious caramel malt notes will become more intense. Brewed with an astonishing original gravity of 24 Plato and finishing at 11.0% alcohol by volume, this Imperial Barley Wine Ale is not for the faint of heart, though it will reward the adventurous drinker with an unparalleled taste experience.

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