Jester King Wytchmaker Rye IPA

Updated 08 de Novembro de 2014
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975 0 1
Jester King Wytchmaker Rye IPA


Álcool (%)
Percentual de alcool da cerveja no padrao ABV. Use apenas numeros com as casas decimais e para separar os decimais, use o ponto e nao a virgula
IBU (International Bitterness Unit) é a unidade de amargor da cerveja. Quanto mais alto o número, mais amarga é a cerveja.
Copo ideal
India Pale Ale brewed with nearly three pounds of hops per barrel and 15% malted rye. Dry, flavorful, drinkable beer with vibrant notes of citrus, tropical fruit and pine.

Note: This entry is the original Wytchmaker. Beginning around the time of their first anniversary, Jester King switched to a farmhouse yeast for all of their beers. All ratings after this switch should be entered under the Farmhouse Wytchmaker Rye IPA entry. The original Wytchmaker bottles feature a small Jester King sticker on the neck; the Farmhouse Wytchmaker bottles have the word "Farmhouse" in small print on the label.

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