BrewDog Original Dogma
Previous sold as Speed Ball. A strong ale, brewed with guarana, Californian poppy, kola nut and Scottish heather honey. A conspiracy of trans-continental ingredients infused with some devastatingly BrewDog imaginative thinking. Dogma is an innovative, enigmatic ale brewed with guarana, poppy seeds and kola nut all blended together with Scottish heather honey. A conspiracy of transcontinental ingredients infused with some devastatingly BrewDog imaginative thinking. The flavours, intricacies and nuances of this beer are best enjoyed while musing over some obscure 17th Century philosophical meanderings, such as: "If we disbelieve everything because we cannot certainly know all things we will do much, what as wisely as he who would not use his wings but sit still and perish because he had no wings to fly." John Locke. This beer is not cool. You may think it is, but that is just a beautiful lie fabricated by clowns and gypsies.
Avaliações dos usuários
O rotulo vermelho e preto chama bastante atençao, assim como o proprio nome da breja. Na formula temos guarana, sementes de papoula nozes e mel... Imagina como fica? Até que ficou muito boa!!!
No copo a cor é de cha mate, bem opaca.
O aroma tem mel, especiarias (talvez seja a combinaçao de sementes?), uma leve impressao amadeirada e lupulo herbal. Na boca, ela começa adocicada mas logo o lupulo fala mais alto, com um final parecido de mato/grama bem seco, mas em conuntio com a doçura dos outros ingredientes, no after taste, sentimos tanto o doce quanto o amargo na lingua... proporcionando uma senaçao muito interessante.
Excelente cerveja!!!