Jacobsen Vintage No. 1

Updated 25 de Junho de 2014
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Jacobsen Vintage No. 1


Álcool (%)
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Copo ideal
The Jacobsen Vintage No. 1 is a barley wine with an ABV on 10.5%

The grists contain Maris Otter pale ale malt, Maris Otter Imperial malt and caramel malt. Invert sugar is added during the four hours wort boiling as well as bittering hops, in the shape of Challenger and Target, and aroma hops in the shape of Bramling Cross and Fuggles.

The beer is fermented at 25°C with English ale yeast.

The beer is matured in new Swedish (the oak is from Hjo in the middle of Sweden and the barrel is bought through Thorslundkagge) and new French barrels (Cote dór barrels) for six month.

The beer has flavours of vanilla, smoke, caramel and port from maturing on Swedish or French Cote dór oak casks. The bitterness is soft and intriguing.

During the production and aging of a barley wine, Maillard reactions are continuously caused which adds caramel, nut and yeast aromas to the beer.

In Jacobsen Vintage, you can taste different personalities in the beer in the form of Maillard, Schiff, Amador and Strecker.

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