King Heffy Imperial Hefeweizen

Victor Bino
Updated 10 de Junho de 2013
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King Heffy Imperial Hefeweizen


Álcool (%)
Percentual de alcool da cerveja no padrao ABV. Use apenas numeros com as casas decimais e para separar os decimais, use o ponto e nao a virgula
IBU (International Bitterness Unit) é a unidade de amargor da cerveja. Quanto mais alto o número, mais amarga é a cerveja.
Copo ideal
A refreshing, German-styled wheat beer with a distinctive banana and clove aroma, it is made with barley, wheat, hops, water and hefe yeast and named in recognition of the thousands of climbers who come from around the world to climb Squamish, BC's walls, crags, cracks, slabs and boulders.

North American Gold 2010 - Bavarian Style Hefeweizen.
North American Gold 2010 - Weizen Beers.
North American Silver 2011 - Weizen Bock.

Food Pairing
This German-style wheat beer is a classic summer ale, and is commonly served with a wedge of lemon. This beer works well with pastas, mild cheeses, grilled vegetables and light chicken and pork dishes.

Our Bottle
This re-closable bottle, known as a “pot-stopper”, was widely used in Europe and North America prior to the 1950s. Our new combination cap is an innovative design that allows closure by both crown and swing caps. It can be re-used and meets our green packaging objectives.

More Info about this beer:
25IBU; 17.2 Plato
SKU 127571


King Heffy Imperial Hefeweizen
King Heffy Imperial Hefeweizen
King Heffy Imperial Hefeweizen

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