Baldwin FishEYE-PA

Updated 03 de Agosto de 2014
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Baldwin FishEYE-PA


Álcool (%)
Percentual de alcool da cerveja no padrao ABV. Use apenas numeros com as casas decimais e para separar os decimais, use o ponto e nao a virgula
IBU (International Bitterness Unit) é a unidade de amargor da cerveja. Quanto mais alto o número, mais amarga é a cerveja.
Copo ideal
We are excited to announce that Baldwin FishEYE-PA is now available at LCBOs across the province of Ontario. Inspired by Kensington Market’s (in)famous fishmongers on Baldwin Street, FishEYE is a bold and unapologetically hop-forward American IPA. Adhering to our principles of inclusivity, FishEYE was brewed with the input of our fans over a series of test batches in 2012. The call for “more hops!” has been answered!

Baldwin FishEYE-PA has already begun to hit LCBO shelves in the GTA and will initially be featured in over 100 stores. Each 473ml “tall-boy” can will retail for $2.85 including tax and deposit.

Tasting Notes
At 6.5% ABV and 70IBU, FishEYE-PA is a brew for hop-loving beer enthusiasts. A marriage of 3 types of malt and 4 hop varieties, including an extra dose of dry hops, meld beautifully to create a complex, hop-forward ale. The aroma is dominated by floral and pine notes, with a slight tinge of grapefruit rind and sweet caramel malt. A lengthy finish is characterized by the balanced interplay between residual sweetness and a lingering hop bitterness.

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