After the Applebocq and the Redbocq, the Brasserie du Bocq is pleased to announce the birth of the Agrumbocq … The idea for the Agrumbocq arose first of all in the mind of our master brewer. Once again, the starting point is our white beer made by top fermentation to which mandarin juice and the natural aromas of grapefruit and lime are added. Its cloudy appearance, its natural pink grapefruit colour, its fine slightly pinkish head and its pleasantly fruity fragrance are certainly going to delight the most delicate palates. A perfect balance is achieved through the sweet and acid taste of the citrus fruit and the slight bitterness that it releases. It is defined as a very light and refreshing beer. You are advised to drink it very cool. It is ideal after sport! It has barely 3% alcohol volume. The Agrumbocq is currently available in kegs and 25-cl bottles. Technical information Alcohol level: 3.1 % vol. Colour: 7 EBC (500 nm) Bitterness: not significant Pack unit: 25 cl, barrel 30 L Harmony with food Refreshing on any occasion … aperitifs, cocktails, barbecues, desserts.
Avaliações dos usuários
Digamos que o sabor se assemelha, mas com o toque do lúpulo junto.
Dica que eu fiz e funcionou: Por ser vendida em garrafinhas de 250 ml, bebam em taças de champagne. E bebam bem gelada.
Deliciosa, refrescante e única.
Harmoniza com entradas e sobremesas, além de poderem ser facilmente degustadas nos dias quentes.
Uma cerveja versátil!